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How to Ask Someone to Support Your Fundraiser

Fundraising is an essential part of many school and group activities, providing the necessary funds to support educational trips, sports equipment, arts programs, and more. When it comes to asking for support, it’s crucial to approach it with the right strategy and mindset, especially when your fundraiser involves sales rather than donations. Here are some tips to help you successfully ask for support for your fundraiser.

1. Understand Your Audience

Before reaching out to potential supporters, it’s important to understand who they are. Are they parents, community members, local businesses, or extended family and friends? Each group has different motivations and interests, and tailoring your approach to the specific audience will make your pitch more effective.

  • Parents and Family Members: Parents and family members are often the most invested in the success of the fundraiser because it directly benefits their children or loved ones. When reaching out to them, emphasize how the funds will enhance their child’s experience, whether it’s for a new playground, better school equipment, or memorable school trips. Personal stories and testimonials from other parents can also be very persuasive.
  • Community Members: Community members may not have a direct connection to the school or group but are often willing to support local initiatives. Highlight the broader impact of the fundraiser on the community. Explain how the improved facilities or programs can benefit everyone, such as by providing a safer environment for children or enhancing community events. Engaging community leaders or local influencers to support and promote your fundraiser can also be beneficial.
  • Local Businesses: Local businesses can be excellent supporters, especially if they see a mutual benefit. When approaching businesses, consider offering them recognition or advertising opportunities in return for their support. For example, you could feature their logo on promotional materials or at school events. Emphasize the positive PR and community goodwill they will gain by supporting a local cause. You can also propose sponsorship packages that align with their marketing goals.
  • Extended Family and Friends: Extended family and friends might live far away but still want to support the cause. For this audience, emphasize the convenience of online shopping and shipping options. Share compelling stories about the specific needs and goals of the fundraiser to create an emotional connection. Personalized messages and updates on the progress of the fundraiser can keep them engaged and motivated to contribute.

By understanding the unique characteristics and motivations of each group, you can craft messages that resonate and encourage them to support your fundraiser. This targeted approach not only increases the likelihood of their participation but also fosters a stronger sense of community and shared purpose.

2. Be Clear About What You’re Selling

With our fundraising sales, you are not asking for donations; you are offering valuable products in return for their support. It’s crucial to ensure that your audience understands this distinction to make them more inclined to participate. Here are some strategies to clearly convey what you’re selling:

  • Highlight Product Quality: Emphasize the high quality of the items available through your fundraiser. Whether it’s gourmet food, unique gifts, or practical household items, make sure your audience knows that they are purchasing well-made, desirable products. Our fundraising catalogues feature high-quality products your supporters will love.
  • Showcase Variety: Our catalogues and online store offer a wide range of products to appeal to different tastes and preferences. Make sure to highlight this variety in your communications. For example, mention that there are items suitable for all ages and interests, from delicious treats to useful gadgets and beautiful home décor. This variety increases the likelihood that everyone will find something they want to buy.
  • Use Visuals: People are more likely to be attracted to products they can see. Our high-quality virtual catalogues make it easy and enjoyable for your supporters to shop and support your initiative.
  • Detail the Benefits: Clearly communicate the benefits of the products. If you’re selling eco-friendly items, emphasize their environmental benefits. If you have exclusive products that can’t be found elsewhere, make sure to point that out. Also, highlight any promotional deals or discounts available.
  • Provide Testimonials: Include testimonials from previous buyers to build credibility and trust. Positive feedback about the products and the overall fundraising experience can reassure potential supporters that they are making a good purchase.
  • Transparent Pricing: Be upfront about the pricing of the products and explain how much of each sale goes towards your fundraising goal. Transparency in pricing helps build trust and ensures supporters know that their purchase is making a direct impact.
  • Simplify the Process: Explain how easy it is to make a purchase. Detail the steps involved, from browsing the catalogue to placing an order online. Emphasize the convenience of the process, including any available delivery options and the straightforward nature of order collection.

By clearly communicating what you’re selling and emphasizing the quality and variety of the products, you can help potential supporters see the value in their purchases. This approach not only boosts sales but also strengthens their connection to your cause, knowing that they are contributing through a worthwhile purchase.

Fist bumping students after fundraising event

3. Communicate the Purpose and Impact

People are more likely to support your fundraiser if they know exactly what the funds will be used for. Clearly communicating the purpose and the positive impact their support will have can significantly increase their willingness to participate. Here’s how to effectively convey this message:

  • Specific Goals: Clearly outline the specific goals of your fundraiser. Whether it’s raising money for new playground equipment, funding a school trip, purchasing new uniforms for the sports team, or upgrading classroom technology, make sure your audience knows exactly what their support will achieve. Specific goals help people understand the importance and urgency of their contributions.
  • Visual Aids: Use visual aids to illustrate the purpose of the fundraiser. Photos, videos, and infographics can help bring your message to life. For example, show pictures of the current playground and a mock-up of the new equipment, or a video of students talking about what the trip would mean to them.
  • Personal Stories: Share personal stories and testimonials from those who will benefit from the fundraiser. Stories from students, teachers, and parents can create an emotional connection and make the cause more relatable. For instance, a testimonial from a student explaining how new sports uniforms would boost team morale and performance can be very compelling.
  • Impact Statements: Use impact statements to highlight the broader effects of the fundraiser. Explain how the new equipment, trip, or uniforms will positively influence the students’ development, education, and well-being. For example, “By supporting our fundraiser, you are helping to create a safer and more engaging play environment for our children, fostering their physical and social development.”
  • Progress Updates: Keep your supporters informed with regular progress updates. Let them know how close you are to reaching your goal and how their contributions are making a difference. Use newsletters, social media posts, and emails to share milestones and express gratitude.
  • Community Benefits: Emphasize any additional benefits to the wider community. If the new playground will be accessible to the public outside school hours, mention this. If the school trip will result in a student presentation or project that will be shared with the community, highlight this outcome.
  • Future Vision: Share a vision of the future that their support will help create. Paint a picture of the positive changes and long-term benefits their contributions will bring. This helps supporters feel they are part of a meaningful and lasting impact.

By effectively communicating the purpose and impact of your fundraiser, you can engage your audience emotionally and intellectually, increasing their willingness to support your efforts. Make sure they understand that their contributions are not just purchases, but investments in the future and well-being of the students and the community.

4. Utilize Provided Materials

Our fundraising programs come with a range of materials designed to make your job easier. These resources are crafted to streamline the process, making it simple and efficient to reach potential supporters and provide them with all the necessary information. Here’s how to effectively utilize these materials:

  • Comprehensive Catalogues: Our catalogues are visually appealing and packed with detailed descriptions and high-quality images of the products. Ensure that every potential supporter receives a catalogue. Encourage supporters to browse through it to see the variety of products available, highlighting popular or unique items that might catch their interest.
  • Order Forms: Use the provided order forms to facilitate easy purchasing. These forms are user-friendly, allowing supporters to quickly note down their selections. Ensure that you distribute these forms along with the catalogues and explain how to fill them out correctly. Make sure supporters know where and when to return the completed forms.
  • Customized Letters: Our customized letters are a powerful tool to convey your message. These letters explain the purpose of the fundraiser, the goals you aim to achieve, and how the supporters’ purchases will contribute. Personalize these letters as much as possible to create a stronger connection with the recipients. A personalized touch can make a big difference in garnering support.
  • Carry-Home Bags: The carry-home bags are designed for convenience, allowing you to neatly package and distribute all the materials. This ensures that every participant receives all the necessary information in one easy-to-carry package. It helps keep the materials organized and reduces the risk of losing important documents.
  • Pre-Sell Items: Utilize the catalogues and order forms to pre-sell items effectively. Encourage supporters to browse through the catalogue, select their items, and use the order forms to place their orders. This pre-selling strategy can generate excitement and momentum for the fundraiser, leading to higher sales.
  • Online Shopping Site: For those who prefer a digital approach, direct them to your customized online shopping site. Highlight the convenience of browsing and purchasing items online. Ensure that the site is prominently featured in all communications and materials. This option can appeal to tech-savvy supporters or those who may not have time to go through the physical catalogues.
  • Consistent Information: By distributing all the materials in carry-home bags, you ensure that every participant has access to the same information. This consistency helps avoid confusion and ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding the products available, ordering process, and the goals of the fundraiser.

By effectively utilizing the provided materials, you can make the fundraising process smooth and efficient. These resources are designed to help you communicate clearly with your supporters, making it easy for them to understand what you’re selling, how to place orders, and the impact their support will have. This organized approach increases the likelihood of a successful fundraiser, allowing you to achieve your goals with ease.

5. Make it Easy to Participate

We offer several options to cater to different needs and preferences:

  • Standard Fundraiser: Use catalogues and order forms along with an online shopping site. This traditional method allows supporters to browse and order easily, with no upfront costs and no leftover products.
  • Hybrid Fundraiser: This option removes the need for order forms, relying solely on online sales. It’s a convenient and modern approach, automatically closing on your desired end date.
  • Virtual Fundraiser: Everything is done online, making it quick and contact-free. This is ideal for reaching a wider audience with minimal effort.

6. Personalize Your Ask

When asking for support, personalization is key. Tailoring your approach to each individual can significantly enhance your chances of receiving a positive response. Whether it’s a face-to-face conversation, a phone call, or an email, addressing the potential supporter by name and mentioning any personal connections to the cause can make a big difference. Here are some strategies to personalize your ask effectively:

  • Use Their Name: Always address the potential supporter by their name. This simple step can make the interaction feel more personal and respectful. For instance, start your conversation or email with, “Hi [Name], I hope you’re doing well.”
  • Acknowledge the Relationship: Mention any personal connections or shared experiences. This could be a shared connection to the school, community, or the cause itself. For example, “As a fellow parent at [School], I wanted to share an exciting opportunity with you.”
  • Explain the Cause: Clearly explain the purpose of the fundraiser and why it’s important. Make sure to highlight how it relates to them personally. For instance, “We’re raising funds to build a new playground for our kids. This will provide a safe and fun environment for all the children at [School], including your child.”
  • Share Personal Stories: Share a personal story or anecdote that illustrates the impact of the fundraiser. This can create an emotional connection and make the cause more relatable. For example, “Last year, thanks to our successful fundraiser, we were able to take the students on an educational trip that they still talk about today. It made a huge difference in their learning experience.”
  • Highlight Their Role: Emphasize the important role they play in the success of the fundraiser. Let them know that their support is valued and crucial. For example, “Your support can help us reach our goal and make this project a reality. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a big difference.”
  • Customize the Message: Tailor your message to their interests and preferences. If you know they are passionate about a particular aspect of the project, focus on that. For example, “I know you’re a strong advocate for physical education, and this new playground will greatly enhance our students’ physical activity and well-being.”
  • Provide Clear Instructions: Make it easy for them to support the fundraiser. Provide clear instructions on how they can purchase products or contribute. For example, “You can browse our catalogue or visit our online store at [link]. If you prefer, I can also help you place an order directly.”
  • Express Gratitude: Always thank them for considering your request. Showing appreciation can leave a positive impression and encourage future support. For example, “Thank you so much for taking the time to consider our fundraiser. Your support means a lot to us and to the children at [School].”
  • Follow Up: If you don’t receive an immediate response, follow up with a friendly reminder. This shows that you are genuinely interested in their support and value their participation. For example, “Just a quick reminder about our fundraiser. We’re getting closer to our goal, and your support could help us reach it!”

By personalizing your ask, you can create a more engaging and persuasive message that resonates with potential supporters. This approach not only increases the likelihood of receiving their support but also builds stronger, more meaningful connections within your community.

Children playing outside

7. Highlight the Benefits

When asking for support for your fundraiser, it’s important to emphasize the benefits for the supporters. By doing so, you can make them feel that they are not only purchasing quality products but also contributing to a meaningful cause. Here’s how to effectively highlight these benefits:

  • Quality Products: Make sure to emphasize that the products available through your fundraiser are of high quality. Describe the items in detail, highlighting their features and benefits. For example, “Our catalogue includes a variety of gourmet foods, unique gifts, and practical household items that are both high-quality and affordable.”
  • Supporting a Worthwhile Cause: Clearly communicate the positive impact of their purchase. Explain how the funds raised will benefit the school or group. For instance, “By purchasing from our fundraiser, you are helping us build a new playground that will provide a safe and fun environment for our children.”
  • Dual Benefit: Highlight the dual benefit of their support. Not only do they get great products, but they also contribute to an important cause. For example, “When you buy our products, you’re not just shopping – you’re making a difference in our community by supporting the school’s initiatives.”
  • Convenience: Emphasize the convenience of participating in the fundraiser. Highlight the ease of browsing the catalogue, placing orders, and receiving products. For example, “You can easily shop from the comfort of your home using our online store, with multiple shipping options available to suit your needs.”
  • Community Engagement: Mention how their participation helps foster a sense of community and support local initiatives. For example, “Your purchase not only helps our school but also strengthens our community by bringing us together for a common cause.”
  • Transparency: Be transparent about how the funds will be used and the progress of the fundraiser. This builds trust and encourages more people to support the cause. For example, “We aim to raise $10,000 for new playground equipment, and we will keep you updated on our progress through regular newsletters and social media posts.”

By highlighting these benefits, you can make potential supporters feel more valued and appreciated, increasing their willingness to participate in your fundraiser. This approach not only boosts sales but also reinforces the positive impact of their support on your cause.

8. Follow Up

Don’t hesitate to follow up with potential supporters. It’s natural for people to get busy and overlook opportunities, so a gentle reminder can be very effective. Here’s how to follow up effectively:

  • Timely Follow-Up: Send follow-up messages in a timely manner after your initial contact. Avoid waiting too long, as it may cause the opportunity to slip their mind. A follow-up within a week of the initial contact is usually appropriate.
  • Friendly Reminder: Keep your follow-up message friendly and courteous. Avoid being pushy or aggressive, as this may turn people off. Simply remind them of the fundraiser and the opportunity to support a good cause.
  • Personalized Approach: If possible, personalize your follow-up message. Reference your previous interaction or any specific interests they may have mentioned. This shows that you value their engagement and are attentive to their needs.
  • Provide Additional Information: Use the follow-up as an opportunity to provide any additional information they may need to make a decision. This could include details about specific products, updates on the fundraiser’s progress, or answers to any questions they may have raised.
  • Use Multiple Channels: Don’t rely on just one method of communication. If you initially contacted them via email, consider following up with a phone call or a social media message. Different people prefer different communication channels, so using multiple channels increases the likelihood of getting a response.
  • Express Gratitude: Always thank them for considering your request, even if they haven’t yet made a commitment. Expressing gratitude shows that you value their support, regardless of the outcome.
  • Respect Their Decision: If they indicate that they are not interested or unable to participate, respect their decision graciously. Thank them for their time and let them know that you appreciate their consideration.
  • Stay Persistent: If you don’t receive a response to your initial follow-up, don’t be discouraged. People are busy, and it may take multiple attempts to get their attention. Be persistent, but always respectful.

By following up with potential supporters in a friendly and respectful manner, you can increase their awareness of the fundraiser and encourage their participation. Remember, persistence often pays off, so don’t hesitate to reach out multiple times if necessary.

9. Show Appreciation

Expressing gratitude towards your supporters is essential for building and maintaining positive relationships. A simple thank-you can go a long way in showing appreciation for their support. Here’s how to effectively show your appreciation:

  • Thank-You Note or Email: Send a thank-you note or email to each supporter after the fundraiser. Personalize the message as much as possible, addressing them by name and acknowledging their specific contribution. Express genuine gratitude for their support and generosity.
  • Highlight Impact: In your thank-you message, detail the results of the fundraiser and how their support contributed to achieving the goals. Share specific examples of the impact their contribution had on the school or group. For instance, if the fundraiser helped purchase new equipment, share photos or testimonials showcasing the equipment in use.
  • Be Specific: Make your thank-you message specific and detailed. Avoid generic statements and instead mention specific ways in which their support made a difference. This shows that you took the time to acknowledge their contribution individually.
  • Include Results: Provide concrete results of the fundraiser, such as the total amount raised, the number of participants, and any milestones achieved. Transparency about the outcome of the fundraiser reinforces trust and demonstrates accountability.
  • Acknowledge Efforts: Recognize the efforts of individual supporters, especially if they went above and beyond to support the fundraiser. For example, if someone volunteered their time to help organize or promote the fundraiser, acknowledge their dedication and commitment.
  • Invite Feedback: Encourage supporters to provide feedback on their experience with the fundraiser. This shows that you value their input and are committed to continuous improvement. Consider including a feedback survey or providing contact information for them to reach out directly.
  • Offer Continued Engagement: Maintain communication with your supporters even after the fundraiser has ended. Keep them updated on future initiatives, events, or projects they may be interested in. This helps foster long-term relationships and encourages continued support.
  • Personal Touches: Consider adding personal touches to your thank-you messages, such as handwritten notes or small tokens of appreciation. These gestures can make supporters feel valued and appreciated.
  • Social Media Shout-Outs: Publicly acknowledge your supporters on social media platforms, thanking them for their contributions and highlighting their impact. Tagging individual supporters or businesses can amplify your message and further recognize their support.

By showing genuine appreciation for your supporters’ contributions and highlighting the impact of their support, you strengthen the bond between your group and its supporters. This fosters a sense of belonging and loyalty, encouraging continued support in the future.

Make Your Fundraiser a Success

Asking for support for your fundraiser doesn’t have to be daunting. By being clear, personal, and making the process easy, you can successfully engage your community and reach your fundraising goals. Remember, with our comprehensive support and no upfront costs, you can focus on what matters most: achieving your fundraising objectives and making a positive impact.

Ready to start smashing your fundraising goals for your Canadian school or group? Our fundraising programs are risk-free, easy, and highly profitable. Join hundreds of Canadian schools and groups that have successfully fundraised with Dieleman Fundraising Sales. Book your fundraiser today!

This entry was posted on Saturday, May 11th, 2024 at 6:23 pm.